Member Biography

Honorable Wayne D. Girard

  • Member of Parliament
  • Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Youth Economy
  • Represents the constituency of Anse la Raye and Canaries
  • Saint Lucia Labour Party


Honorable Wayne D. Girard represents Anse la Raye and Canaries constituency in the House of Assembly for the Saint Lucia Labour Party. He is currently serving as Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Youth Economy.

Early life and education

Wayne earned his undergraduate degree in 2004 from the University of Wales in Business with Law and pursued post-graduate, executive education programmes at Chicago Booth/Oxford Said Business School: Corporate Valuation Programme and Oxford Said Business School: Fintech Programme and is currently pursuing a Certificate in Public Leadership at Harvard Kennedy School of Government.


His had a career in investment banking and corporate valuations and has had the opportunity to consult on several major development projects.

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