Sergeant of Arms
Sergeant of Arms
Role of the Sergeant of Arms
The Sergeant-at-Arms (or a deputy) is present in the Chamber at all times the House is sitting. He or she can be seen sitting at the rear of the Chamber, to the left of the centre aisle (looking from the Speaker’s Chair).
The Sergeant is responsible for the security of the House of Assembly and for controlling admission to the galleries. The main formal Chamber responsibility of the Sergeant during the sittings of the House is to assist the Speaker maintain order by removing disorderly people from the House or galleries. The Sergeant also has a ceremonial role—he or she is the custodian of the Mace, the symbol of the Speaker’s and the House’s authority, which is placed on the Table of the House when the House is sitting. Carrying the Mace on the right shoulder, the Sergeant-at-Arms precedes the Speaker when the Speaker enters and leaves the Chamber at the beginning and the end of a sitting.